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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

An Infertility Treatment without the Drugs?

In-Vitro Maturation (IVM): An evolutionary technique that offers a safer and cheaper alternative to In-Vitro Fertilization. The first IVM baby was born in 2007. Since then, IVM has proven to be a reliable and successful infertility treatment for women wanting to avoid the use of hormone stimulating drugs associated with convential IVF treatment.

Fertility drugs are prescribed to stimulate the ovaries into producing a greater number of eggs per menstrual cycle than normal. For most women, fertility drugs pose no damage to health. However, women may be unable to risk the excess levels of hormones due to other health conditions. Some women, for example, are at increased risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), a potentially life-threatening condition that results from ovarian stimulation medication.

To prevent complications from fertility drugs and to reduce the costs of IVF treatment, IVF specialists aimed to provide alternatives to ovary stimulation medication. Natural cycle IVF, the original method of IVF, does not involve the use of fertility drugs however the results of natural cycle IVF are low. IVM, on the other hand, is an alternative to conventional or natural cycle IVF that does not require women to take ovulation stimulating drugs and has a higher success rate than natural cycle IVF.

Developed in Canada, IVM was then trialed at fertility clinics in the UK, South Korea and Scandinavia.

Benefits of In Vitro Maturation
•    In vitro maturation provides a safe alternative to stimulated IVF for women who are at high risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS).
•    Women with polycystic ovaries are highly likely to conceive using this method of egg collection. Compared to the average 4 eggs produced by women with a normal menstrual cycle, women with polycystic ovaries produce around 16 eggs per cycle.
•    Reduced cost of IVF treatment due to no fertility drugs
•    IVM can offer a fertility preservation method to young women with an illness likely to damage fertility as immature eggs can be harvested, matured in vitro and then frozen for later use.

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