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Friday, February 4, 2011

Health Care in Recession

The global recession has seen people lose jobs, health insurance and become more aware of all financial expenses. Sadly, one of the areas most affected by the recession has been health care with many people unable to afford treatment or being forced to reconsider non-essential health care procedures such as infertility treatment.

One area of healthcare that has remained unaffected during the financial crisis of 2009-2010 is medical tourism. In fact, as a result of less insurance coverage and restricted finances more and more patients are turning to medical care abroad where treatment is often significantly lower in cost.

The main drives for medical tourism are plastic surgery and infertility treatment, however other medical specialties are becoming just as sought after.  Ophthalmology clinics specializing in laser eye surgery have noted an increase in patients traveling from abroad to correct their eyesight, as have bariatric surgery clinics. Hospitals specializing in orthopedic surgeries have also noted an increase in international patient inquiries.

Laser eye surgery and weight-loss procedures are likely to be omitted from health insurance policies and if not covered, can be empty your bank account. Patients traveling from the United States to Costa Rica for bariatric procedures, or contacting laser eye clinics in Mexico save on average 40% on surgery costs - including the travel and accommodation in the medical tourism country. And with Mexico, weight loss surgeons in Cancun, Tijuana and Guadalajara have seen patient numbers from the U.S. soar in the past 24 months.

Across the globe, patients in the United Kingdom, despite having access to free national health services, have seen financial cut-backs effect their healthcare options and, similarly to patients from the U.S., are looking abroad for healthcare options. Unlike the U.S. however, the rise in medical tourists from the UK have been largely patients travelling for infertility treatment as free IVF treatment has become more restrictive. Fertility clinics in Cyprus, Turkey, Spain, Georgia and Ukraine currently receive multiple inquiries from UK-based patients considering infertility treatment abroad.

In an ideal world, healthcare should be free and available locally for everyone. Unfortunately healthcare is expensive and the reality is many patients are forced to look further away to find the treatment they need. Our goal is to try and remove some of the stress from finding a doctor, wherever you need them, and to make the initial contact phase of treatment free of charge. If you're trying to find a doctor who meets your needs, research treatments or seek recommendations from other patients, start your healthcare search here.

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