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Friday, February 25, 2011

How safe are our cell phones?!

Today, there are enough cell phones for every 2 people alive around the world. Many people don't even bother to get a land line- why bother when cell phones are the best way to reach someone?

However, a new study has proved our worry: cell phones DO affect brain activity.

That said, the consequences are still unclear. So take some assurance. 

Researchers at the National Institute of Health (NIH) proved that brain activity in the area closest to the antenna speeds up with less than an hour-long phone call. The study is one of the first to demonstrate that the low frequency signals are powerful enough to affect the brain.

“[The study] tells us that even though these are weak signals, the human brain is activated by them,” research leader and director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse Dr. Nora D. Volkow stated. “The study is important because it documents that the human brain is sensitive to the electromagnetic radiation that is emitted by cell phones.”

Researchers studied 47 participants who underwent 2 50-minute sessions of cell phone use. In the first, cell phones were off. In the second, cell phones were activated with a phone call, though muted to avoid auditory stimulation.

The results showed brain activity near the cell phones antenna in both sessions, though a 7 percent increase during the phone call.

“Unfortunately, this particular study does not enlighten us in terms of whether this is detrimental or if it could even be beneficial,” Dr. Volkow stated.

The study sparks a need for more research into the long-lasting effects of cell phone use.

Today, everything seems to cause cancer or heart disease. Diet soda, make up, smog, coffee– the list of theories people convince themselves of is endless. But the underlying question is, how is our modern society affecting our health?

How will today’s computer generation age? It could be nothing or it could be drastic.

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