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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pills, Syrups, Sprays- Supplemental Drugs Not Always Good

Common over-the-counter drugs such as multivitamins and fish oil supplements, that seem harmless and benign to the majority of consumers, may indeed increase risks for users who also take certain prescribed medications.

A recent survey suggests that people who take warfarin, a popular blood thinning medication, may be complicating their health by also taking over-the-counter supplements.

Over-the-counter herbal and dietary drugs can be great for your health. But beware when mixed with certain prescription drugs, a new study reports. In particular, herbal and dietary drugs that are available over-the-counter in drugstores are not meant to be taken with other prescribed medications.

With the availability of information over the internet and media, people today are more and more self-diagnosing themselves with ailments. Be sure to discuss every pill, syrup or spray with your doctor if you are one of the millions of Americans taking prescriptions drugs every day. 

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