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Sunday, March 13, 2011

What might seem healthy is actually packing on the punds

Some just aren’t dieters. Diets work wonders for some but they’re not for everyone. If you’re unhappy with your weight, but don’t want to commit to a steadfast diet, consider the things in your diet that you can cut down on.

Knowing what makes you gain weight will help you lose weight. Avoid the following if you are struggling with your weight:

1) Note that working out will make you hungrier. Some people eat more than they normally would after working out. You don’t want to eat more than you just burned. There’s no doubt that a good workout calls for a good rewarding meal, but think about what you eat and slow your pace down so your body can recognize when you’re full.

2) Cut down on the fruit juice. Fruit juice is one of those things (like granola) that sound healthy. However, most fruit juices have high artificial sugar content. Look at the box before buying a carton or ordering it in a restaurant.

3) How far do you drive each day? Could you park further from work and walk 20 minutes in the morning and afternoon? Or better yet, cut the car completely? Small actions that increase daily exercise will help a new weight loss regime.

4) You don’t have to cut the carbs completely, but try to limit the amount you have. Try other dishes! There are meals just as good and easy to prepare as pasta.

5) Feeling like you’ll skip your work out today? DON’T. Even if you do less than you normally do, let your body release some energy and burn calories.

6) Avoid eating out. Meeting friends over food is one of the great joys in life. But do it in a home! Be the host and cook a healthy but delicious meal rather than surrender to high-calorie dressings, soups, or entrées.

7) Be careful of mom’s cooking. It’s always nice to go home and cosy up- especially in these financial times. But your presence may be an catalyst for creating buttery, surgary meals. Home cooked meals are the best, but beware of what goes in them.

8) Stop the excess drinking. A glass of wine is fine, but don’t have several. A beer is ok every now and then (go for ‘light’) but several beers will leave you with more calories than you expected. In addition, drinking heavily makes the body hungry crave food. Binge drinking is a double whammy.

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