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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The great debate: airport scanners and radiation

Recently, there has been a lot of talk about air travel safety.  One would immediately think about mishaps that happen while in the air, but what if there was something potentially dangerous lurking at airports all over the world?

Yes, that's right. The most recent air travel debate surrounds airport security scanners, and whether or not they expose travelers to harmful radiation. Doctors' opinions are like night and day. Some see no harm in going through scanners, and some avoid unnecessary radiation at all costs, choosing a full-body pat down instead. It's been said by some experts that continued exposure to radiation might increase your risk of cancer.

So the question is, is this something to worry about or not? Next time you find yourself at the airport, will you opt out of the scan? Read the full article to find out more on this controversial subject.

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