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Friday, April 8, 2011

The process of IVF can be challenging, but this couple's story is unbelieveable!

With in-vitro fertilization (IVF), millions of couples are able to conceive children every year.

What would normally be a joyful occasion turned into a nightmare for Carolyn and Sean Savage, when their infertility specialist called to tell them that Carolyn was pregnant.  The only problem was, the child growing inside of Carolyn was not the couple's biological child. The baby belonged to another couple at the clinic, where their vials were switched due to a name mix-up. Instead of expecting a child of her own, Carolyn became a surrogate mother for the other couple.

Although it was utterly heartbreaking, the Savages made the selfless decision to give up baby Logan to his biological parents. Little did they know, there was a huge surprise waiting for them a couple of years down the road. If you'd like to find out what it was, read the full article here!

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