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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

German government might be PAYING for the cost of IVF

Infertility treatments aren't cheap. In the United States, the average cost of just ONE treatment is $10,000. Women usually find success with IVF after the fourth treatment, which means patients are paying an exuberant amount of money to have a child, and the results aren't even guaranteed.

Germany is experiencing an interesting dilemma with their population. German citizens are aging, but they've waited to have children. Many German couples want to seek out IVF treatments to conceive a baby, but because of high costs, they are making the decision to not have any children at all.

In order to produce a baby boom, the German government is proposing a new IVF program, where it will cover 50 to 75 percent of the cost of infertility treatments, so more people will have the opportunity to have the families they've dreamed of.

To read the full article, and to learn more about affordable IVF options, click here!

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