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Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Family Vacation with Family Balancing in North Cyprus

Family balancing is controversial topic in many countries. Some governments pose restrictions or bans on the use of family planning techniques for ethical, demographic, or cultural reasons. As a result of the difficulty couples face when seeking family balancing treatments, people increasingly travel to places like North Cyprus where they can legally and affordably undergo methods of gender selection in conjunction with their infertility treatments.

At Dogus IVF Centre, the only government recognized infertility clinic in North Cyprus, patients meet with some of the most qualified infertility specialists to undergo family balancing treatment. In fact, Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), the most reliable family planning treatment today, is one of the most common treatments at Dogus IVF Centre. The English-speaking doctors at Dogus IVF Centre understand the desire to balance families and demonstrate their commitment to patients by supporting them throughout every step of the infertility process.

Couples seek family balancing for a number of reasons. Whether they desire the same sex of a lost child or already have children of one sex and wish to have the other, patients routinely travel away from home in order to receive the results they desire from family planning treatments. The United Kingdom, for example, allows PGD only when used to test for genetic disease. PGD for family balancing is illegal in the UK. Consequently, patients are compelled to travel to places like Dogus IVF Centre in North Cyprus to undergo family balancing.

Dogus IVF Centre receives so many patients traveling from abroad that their services include a packaged deal with hotels, airport pick-up, and clinic transportation in addition to the daily support from the Centre’s team of IVF professionals.

PGD in North Cyprus involves testing the X and Y chromosomes of the embryo and re-implanting the desired sex. Doctors at Dogus IVF Centre genetically test cells from embryos to determine the chromosomal makeup before they transfer into the uterus. Part of the reason PGD is the preferred method of family balancing is that the cell testing does not affect the embryo. PGD in North Cyprus is safe and effective.

PGD enables doctors to test for sex-determining chromosomes as well as genetic disease if certain family histories make a child more susceptible to genetic abnormalities. Medical advancements have made gender testing techniques, and PGD in particular, more accurate and reliable.

The family balancing process at Dogus IVF Centre requires patients to remain in North Cyprus for at least 7 days. In the meantime, patients can explore the intersection of cultures that characterize North Cyprus or relax on the sandy beaches that draw visitors from all over the world. There is never a lack of fulfillment when visiting North Cyprus.
Turn your IVF treatment into a vacation by seeking gender selection in North Cyprus.

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