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Thursday, January 13, 2011

INVO- a cheaper alternative to IVF

Over 150 million couples worldwide are affected by fertility problems. It is estimated that 99% of couples who have trouble conceiving seek the fertility options available due to the high costs of IVF and the invasive nature of treatment.

INVO fertility treatment offers an alternative to couples who have difficulties financing expensive IVF treatments and women who want to avoid the use of fertility drugs.

In conventional IVF, the egg and sperm are fertilized and the resulting embryo is incubated in a laboratory. INVO allows the cultivation of the embryo inside the vaginal cavity, offering a more natural approach to IVF treatment and a higher success rate than natural cycle IVF.

How does INVO work?

INVOcell is a small capsule that is placed inside the vaginal cavity. Occytes and sperm are inserted into the capsule and the capsule is placed inside the vaginal cavity where fertilization and embryo maturation occurs. As the embryo matures, nutrients from the womb enter the capsule through tiny holes, allowing a fertilisation process that is natural.

What are the success rates?

Although INVO is a new technique, the success rates are positive: INVO cycles result in more pregnancies than Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and while IVF treatment combined with ICSI has higher rates of pregnancy, INVO is comparable to conventional IVF.

What are the benefits?

1. The embryo matures in a natural environment
2. The mother is more involved in the process than conventional IVF
3. The cost is lower than IVF
4. There are very low dose fertility drugs for ovarian stimulation as less than 10 occytes are retrieved

How can I learn more?

INVO has been approved for use in the European Union; however, few clinics currently offer INVO treatment using the INVOcell device. The Columbian Center for Fertility and Sterilityis a leading infertility clinic in Latin America that offers the innovative treatment and can answer further questions.

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