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Friday, January 21, 2011

What to Eat after Weight Loss Surgery?

Many of the patients who visit WhereismyDoctor.com are trying to find a weight loss surgeon. Weight loss surgery can be a life changing experience and knowing what to expect afterwards can help you prepare. Diet after weight loss surgery is the most important aspect to ensure your weight loss is a success.

After weight loss surgery such as Gastric Bypass Roux-En Y, it is important that your body receives the correct nutrition to help you recover. The post surgery diet is an important aspect of the recovery process.

It sometimes helps to think of your stomach as a sink with a plug hole. If you fill a sink slowly, the water will drain through but if you pour too much water into the sink at one time, the sink overflows. Post-surgery, your stomach is similar to a sink: the plug hole is smaller than before and the amount you can put into it at one time has to reduce to help it drain.

The diet after bariatric surgery needs to be nutritious as meals are smaller than your body is accustomed to. A good balance of proteins and vitamins and a diet that is low in fats and carbohydrates will help you achieve and maintain your weight loss.

Your new stomach will only hold a small amount of food, but to achieve weight loss it is important this food is dense to keep you feeling full for longer. Eating high fat or consuming calorie dense drinks will make it more difficult for you to lose the weight you want and maintain the weight loss. A post-surgery diet should be rich in protein and vegetables and should contain no more than 15% carbohydrates.

After weight loss surgery bariatric surgeons recommend patients:

Do eat 4-6 small meals – eating small amounts regularly helps the digestive system process food easier and makes it easier for the body to process sugars.

Do eat Protein – Eating protein at every meal and making sure it is the first food group you eat can help reduce the risk of dumping. Protein should make up half of each meal post gastric bypass.

Do eat complex carbohydrates – Brown rice, whole grains, pulses and unsweetened cereal release sugars slower than simple carbohydrates. Swapping white rice for wholemeal pasta will help keep blood sugar regulated and prevent dumping

Do eat fibre – Fibre slows down the digestive process and with a smaller intestine, a slower digestion of food is needed to prevent dumping.

Do drink water between meals- Aim to drink 8 glasses of water a day to keep the body hydrated


Don’t eat lots of sugar – Cakes, biscuits and sweets containing high amounts of sugar. Sugar passes quickly through the digestive tract and triggers dumping syndrome.

Don’t drink heavy, rich liquids – Nutritionally enhanced drinks, milkshakes and cream based drinks are best avoided as rich emulsive liquids are hard to digest.

Don’t eat spicy foods – Spicy foods often trigger dumping syndrome

Don’t drink with meals – Avoid liquid with food to slow the digestive system

Don’t eat slouched – Sitting upright as you eat helps with digestion of solid food

Most importantly, you should begin to enjoy food again. Weight loss will happen; for some patients it happens quickly and for some it is slower. Regardless, if you follow the guidelines, you will achieve the slimmer figure you want. Eating with supportive family and friends can help keep you on track and allow you to socialize without worrying about having a negative effect on the results of surgery.

Enjoy the food you consume- Don’t regret it!


Anonymous said...

Hi friends,

Beautiful presentation! It found a weight loss surgeon are used as a Weight loss surgery most important aspect to ensure your weight loss is a success. Thanks..

Bariatric Surgery Diet

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Superb blog.