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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why do I need Omega-3?

People have known about omegea-3 fatty acids’ necessity to growth and good health for decades. In recent years, however, further benefits of Omega-3 have come into light. 

In explaining the benefits of omega-3, a previous FDA commissioner explained that the “health claim for omega-3 fatty acids should help consumers as they work to improve their health by identifying foods that contain these important compounds.”

Increasing the amount of omega-3 fats in your diet can lower the risk of heart disease, help reduce inflammation caused by arthritis, regulate hormones, improve your IQ and can even reduce the risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer.

Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid – it is not produced by the body and must be consumed in some form to reap the benefits. You can find omega-3 fatty acids in oily fish such as salmon, tuna, trout and herring. Add walnuts or kidney beans to salads or take daily fish oil supplements to boost your omega 3 intake.

Recommended daily amount : 1-3 grams.

Benefits of omega-3:
  • Reduced risk of age related eye problems such as cataracts
  • Improved cardiovascular (heart) health
  • Improved memory and IQ skills
  • Reduces the symptoms of mental illness
  • Improves allergies
  • Reduced risk of arthritis
  • May help prevent cancer of the prostate or breast

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