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Monday, September 12, 2011

America's Rising Health Care Costs: Are Doctor's Salaries to Blame?

In a perfect world, health care wouldn't cost a thing.

Many countries around the world offer free health insurance coverage to their citizens, and these systems have proven to be quite successful for patients and health care providers.

Yet, the United States, a world leader, is not ahead when it comes to caring about the health of their citizens.

While technology and quality standards are top notch, the cost of health care in the United States has become just about unaffordable for many Americans.

A recent study, performed by two researchers at Columbia University, concluded that one of the main reasons health care costs so much in the USA is the very high salaries that doctors earn.

When compared to their European counterparts, American doctors make twice as much or more annually, and the American people are paying for it.

To learn more about the differences between US doctors' pay and those of other countries, read the full article: Are US Doctors Paid Too Much?

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