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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mothers over 45 at risk for pregnancy complications

More women than ever are delaying pregnancy until later in life. In modern societies, women are generally more educated and want to experience life to the fullest before starting a family.

According to a new study, as the years pass by (35...40...45...), the chances of experiencing pregnancy complications rises significantly. Waiting too long to conceive is also linked to infertility issues.

It seems like no matter what women do, sometimes it seems utterly impossible to have it all (successful career, 2.5 kids and a loving husband), but thanks to infertility treatments like in-vitro fertilization, more women are able to have children on their own terms, but experts want to warn moms-to-be of the possible consequences. To read more about the risks older moms face during pregnancy, click here!

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